Interesting Components to lighten up your Blog

In this post I would mention some interesting components or you can say widgets or gadgets which would make your Blog very interesting. I would not get into much details of each individual components, you need to just search on the net to find the code for the same component to implement on your Blog.

Components -
  1. Google Translate - Would result in higher readership of your Blog as more & more visitors can get a translated version of your Blog.
  2. Google Talk Chatback - This component would display your Google Talk status on your Blog & would enable visitor to have a live chat session with you when you are online. This components does not reveal your true Google Talk ID.
  3. Feedburner RSS Feeds - On implementing this component your Blog becomes RSS enabled & people can subscribe to your Blog through RSS.
  4. Feedburner / Google Analytics Site Statistics - These are hidden code & would enable you to receive the Site Statistics for your Blog. There are lot of reports that you can receive as part of Site Statistics viz. No. of Visitors, How many Visitors reached your site directly or through Search Engines & using what Keywords, Browsers accessing your Blog, Regions form where the Blog is being accessed, Operating Sytems accessing your Blog, etc.
  5. StatCounter Hits - Through this you can display how many visitors have accessed your Blog.
  6. Google AdSense - Using Google AdSense you can monetize your Blog using AdSense for Content, AdSense for Search & AdSense for Mobile Content, by displaying relevant Ads on your Blog.
This are just a few among a whole list of interesting Blog components. If you find other interesting ones do post your comment on this post.

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