"Reply" to E-mails. Do not use "Reply to All"

There is an electronic mess that is prevalent in most Corporate Mailboxes as well as Personal Mailboxes. There are some... so called ignorants, who have a tendency to quickly press the "Reply to All" button in their E-mail Clients. This leads to a lot of Junk Mails floating in our Mailboxes. It should be a practice to reply to only the intended recipient. If there are any other connected people with the E-mail, just mark them a CC. Its utter non-sense to do a "Reply to All" for all E-mails arriving at your Inbox. Use technology in a wiser manner. Your ignorant acts should not become a botheration to others. Remember,when you do a "Reply to All", there are ample number of people who are least interested in reading your E-mail & your ignorant act would be increasing there Mailbox size.

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