If the answer is YES then probably it was your Beach-side picnic which is possibly causing this malfunction. These unique keys circulating in the market from a couple of years look very strange, as they appear dotted, but are very very secure & their locks can open with only the original set of Keys or an exact duplicate of the original Keys. They are also double sided & can be used from any side.
I realized its secure feature after I went to a Beach-side picnic last month. After coming back from the picnic my door lock refused to open with the original set of Keys. Rather than forcibly trying to open the lock I carefully looked into the key & found out that very small sand particles had stuck in some of the grooves of my key. Obviously this sand was from the Beach :-) I then quickly removed my toothpick from my wallet & cleaned the entire key perfectly. And too my surprise the lock opened instantly without any difficulty. When my dad started complaining about the same problem with his key. I immediately insisted him to clean his key. He was totally amazed by my minute observation.
So next time your lock refuses to open with your key, check for dust particles before calling in the Locksmith.