Staying in India I am still confined to Bandwidth limitations on my Internet connection. I have a 2 Mbps Unlimited connection with a capping at 12 GB. Which means the download speed decreases to 512 Kbps if I exceed 12 GB of data transfer limit. This essentially means that both my downloads and uploads account to this limit.
While using uTorrent I realized that until and unless you change the default settings uTorrent uses the maximum Bandwidth available. If you disable uploading then your download speed also gets restricted. The best way to circumvent this problem is to to reduce the upload speed.
To change this go to Options -> Preferences in uTorrent
Change the default value of "Maximum upload rate". The value '0' is unrestricted. Change it '1' which is the lowest value available. This means you restrict your upload speed to 1 Kbps. Even such a small change will have a significant impact on your Bandwidth usage.